Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
Articles ⎸ Books ⎸ Briefing Papers ⎸ Legal Instruments ⎸ Reports ⎸ Working Papers
X Belinda and others, Predicting climate change risk perception and willingness to act (2019)
Eric Brandstedt & Anna-Karin Bergman, Climate Rights: Feasible or Not?, 22 Environmental Politics 394–409 (2013)
Margaux J. Hall, Advancing Climate Justice and the Right to Health Through Procedural Rights, 16 Health & Human Rights: An International Journal (2014)
Stephen L. Kass, Integrated Justice: Human Rights, Climate Change, and Poverty, 18 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 115–138 (2009)
Lars Löfquist, Climate Change, Justice and the Right to Development, 7 Journal of Global Ethics 251–260 (2011)
Darrel Moellendorf, A Right to Sustainable Development, 94 Monist 433–452 (2011)
Darrel Moellendorf, Climate Change and Global Justice, 3 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 131–143 (2012)
Swed Watch, Up in Smoke-Human rights and environmental impacts of export credits to coal-The case of South Africa (2020)
QUNO, People’s Climate Empowerment Series (2020)
Environmental and Social Framework: Setting Environmental and Social Standards for Investment Project Financing (Second Draft for Consultation) (World Bank) (2015)
Thea Gelbspan, The Human Rights of the Poor in a Changing Global Climate (FES Geneva) (2010)
Sébastien Jodoin & Katherine Lofts, Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and Climate Change: A Legal Reference Guide (CISDL, ASAP, GEM Initiative) (2013)
OHCHR, OHCHR Study on the Relationship Between Climate Change and Human Rights (UN Human Rights Council) (2013)
World Disasters Report 2014 – Focus on Culture and Risk (International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) (2014)