Submission to the First Global Stocktake: Human Rights-Based Climate Action

The Global Stocktake (GST) should effectively cut across the interlinked areas of climate change and human rights to be able to better inform the change that is needed towards achieving the purposes of the Paris Agreement.

Today we submitted a joint brief “Submission to the First Global Stocktake: Human Rights-Based Climate Action” that seeks to demonstrate how human rights are integral to all dimensions of climate action and therefore the GST, by building on existing literature and providing specific examples.

This submission is the result of a coordinated effort by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), EarthRights International, FIAN International, Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington DC, IBON International, Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), and International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs(IWGIA) [all member organizations of the Human Rights and Climate Change Working Group.

Read the submission.

For more information, please contact Lien Vandamme (CIEL) at